The total project area of the Earnscleugh gold mine has been reduced from the 255ha originally applied for to 150ha.
The total mine life, including construction, has been reduced from 8 years to 7 years.
The Fraser River will no longer be diverted.
Soil will be stripped and stockpiled initially, then replaced on levelled mine tailings.
Affected land will be progressively restored.
Gravel mining and processing will be done within the mine pit using an excavator, floating plant, conveyor systems, and trucks.
The water table will be pumped down where necessary.
L and M plans to mitigate noise and dust by planting trees and constructing earth bunds.
It will regularly monitor individual wells and groundwater sources and air quality.
About 110,000 ounces of gold is expected to be retrieved.
Up to 40 jobs will be created during the project.
Project hours
Stage one (2009-10):
Operational hours have been reduced from 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Work will instead be done during the day on weekdays and on Saturday mornings.
Work will be confined to the area known as the old Molyneux Motors block.
Stage two (2010-16):
The operation will run 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Work will cover the remaining land within the 150ha mining area.