Driver of milk tanker escapes serious injury

A crane lifts one of the damaged milk tanker trailers  on to a truck after the tanker crashed on...
A crane lifts one of the damaged milk tanker trailers on to a truck after the tanker crashed on the Clinton-Mataura Highway early yesterday. Photo by Helena de Reus.

A Balclutha man emerged relatively unscathed when the milk tanker he was driving overturned 2km south of Clinton yesterday morning, closing State Highway 93 for several hours.

Senior Constable Murray Hewitson said the 26,000-litre milk tanker overturned on the Clinton-Mataura Highway shortly before 6am yesterday.

The driver escaped with minor bumps and bruises but was taken to Clutha Health First for a check-up.

State Highway 93, which runs between Clinton and Mataura, was closed from 11am to 4pm while the wreckage was cleared and milk was pumped from the damaged tanker.

The Milton-based truck was contracted by Fonterra to transport milk from Oamaru to its milk processing plant at Edendale, in Southland.

Staff from Dunedin-based Titan Cranes, Fonterra, and local contractors worked for five hours to remove the wreckage.

Each of the two trailers and the truck's cab had to be removed separately.

Snr Const Murray Hewitson said police did not know what caused the crash, but believed neither speed nor alcohol were factors. An investigation is under way.

Clinton Volunteer Fire Brigade and St John Ambulance also attended the crash.




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