Three previous attempts at holding the auction had been thwarted by flooding, snow storms and clashes with other events.
Trust chairman Allan Philip said the decision was made to run the auction at Labour Weekend, and while he was pleased with the weather, he was disappointed with the turnout.
It was "not ideal having it at a long weekend", with many people travelling out of the district.
Mr Philip said he was hoping those people who had left would be replaced by the people who had travelled for the weekend, but that had not happened, and a few of the larger items were still left at the end of the auction.
Two of those items were a Massey Fergusson tractor and a yacht.
Three people who did attend were Aaron Stevenson, his brother Scott and their friend Jade Thompson.
Aaron bought a wooden box and some trinkets for his mother.
Scott bid on a lava lamp, and Jade brought himself a meat-tenderising hammer.
All three had fun bidding, were thrilled with their purchases, and even more thrilled that they still had a couple of dollars left over.
As well as the Steptoe auction, there were car boot sales, stalls and a sausage sizzle, and bags of cattle-pad (effluent soaked sawdust) available, which together generated about $800 for the trust.