New destination toilets which opened in Milton on Friday are expected to have flow-on benefits for the town.
Flushed with the successful completion, Clutha District Council (CDC) Mayor Bryan Cadogan said the new loos — and similar destination toilets close to completion in Balclutha — would bring benefits for both towns.
“They give people another reason to stop, and being located in the heart of the town with plenty of parking there’s a greater chance people will also spend time and money at the surrounding businesses.”
A funding contribution of $420,000 was awarded by the government’s Tourism Infrastructure Fund, and at a total cost of cost around $1,343,000, the two new facilities are modern, safe and easily accessible.
"All up the plan has been about 18 years in the making," CDC group manager services delivery Jules Witt said, "But it now signals a real beginning. Both toilets are the same footprint but have different roofs which reflect the architectural themes of growing developments in each town."
The old toilet block will be soon be demolished for further landscaping and paving improvements, including a plaza area alongside the main street upgrade.
A new community pool and library are in the works for Milton, and Balclutha’s District Memorial & Community Centre is scheduled to open in July.
— Nick Brook