Dunedin-based filmmaker Sally Williams (29) and Katie Hinsen (27), of Wellington, were commissioned to produce a short film to promote the 26-year-old English singer's new album.
The pair joined 10 other film-makers from around the globe asked to produce a short film which reflected their home and captured the mood of the song, Look No Further.
"It has just been a great opportunity for us," Miss Williams said.
The film-makers were approached after a talent scout spotted a clip they produced together for Dunedin drum 'n' bass artist Lakonic on YouTube.
Rio de Janiero and Mumbai are among the other locations that have been used in the project.
Miss Williams, a story producer for NHNZ, enlisted help from the Dunedin-based television company to make the clip.
"It was done on the cheap and over a weekend, so the help we got was fantastic," she said.
The short film, which is about a solo mother, featured Dunedin actor Janis McCarthy and the boy who plays her son, Jack Coombe.
"It's great filming in a small community. Everyone is only too keen to help and Curio Bay was our perfect location," Miss Williams said.
While initially not a fan of the singer, Miss Williams came to enjoy the song "which I found quite empowering - I have a lot of respect for her music".
The website for the marketing campaign that features the short films, on which viewers can comment, is www.safetriphome.com