At last week's council standing committee meeting, councillors made decisions on community plans based on feedback from Milton residents.
In a statement, council chief executive Steve Hill said the community plans were a way to implement the council's living and working strategy and depended on the community and council working together.
''The next step is for councillors to approve the detailed project plans created by staff before the end of the year.''
Key project groupings will be developed further by staff to include such elements as project scope, structure, parameters, trigger points, resources, timing and responsibilities.
Some of the key groupings included upgrades to Milton's main street, improvements to its public toilets, pedestrian crossings and the southern entrance and undergrounding of power lines.
Other key projects identified were improvements to the swimming pool, walking and cycling pathways, parks and reserves and community and visitor facilities.
Almost 1600 items of feedback were received and included in the Our Place Milton Feedback Report.
Mr Hill said some projects and actions would happen quickly while others were likely to be considered as part of the long-term plan for 2018-28.
He wanted it to be clear implementing projects as part of the community plan would not come at the expense of any planned flood protection work in Milton.
It was not an ''either/or situation''.
''In fact, council is considering stormwater priorities in a forthcoming long-term plan workshop that includes a number of projects relating to Milton.''
Clutha Mayor Bryan Cadogan said the community plan was a real chance for a much-needed ''circuit-breaker'' to change the town's prospects for the better.
He said the ''huge number of community-spirited people'' who had already involved themselves in the process showed an underlying determination and desire to do the best for the town.
''Milton has so much potential.''
The council was collecting costings and information and would present it to Milton residents in the future.