Contractors finish their last bits of work on the centre dome.

Clutha District Community Service Youth Spirit Award winner Ollie Shore refereed his first...
Clutha District Community Service Youth Spirit Award winner Ollie Shore refereed his first premier rugby match recently. PHOTO: NICK BROOK
One of the local volunteers celebrated at the 2024 Clutha District Community Service Awards was 17-year-old Ollie Shore, combined winner of the Youth Spirit Award.

Ollie aspires to be a critical paramedic on the Otago Rescue Helicopter and has already made significant strides towards his goals.

He joined St John to complete his first responder certificate and aims to achieve a diploma to become an emergency medical technician.

He joined Balclutha volunteer fire brigade at 16, where he is gaining qualifications to become an engine driver and is a trainer for the crash rescue team.

"Ollie’s been a very rewarding young man to train and work with," Balclutha Chief Fire Officer Jason Lyall said.

"He’s seen what all of us have to see, doesn’t shy away from it and he’s as reliable about asking for help and using the support processes as he is on actual call-outs."

As Head Boy at South Otago High School, Ollie was honoured with the Westpac Cup for Community Contribution in 2022 and 2023.

He received the Clutha Licensing Trust’s Official of the Year award for South/West Otago in 2021 and became one of the youngest referees appointed to a premier club fixture in Otago, having been named the No1 touch rugby youth male referee in New Zealand.

"Refereeing is my sport," he said.

"I’ve been really lucky with the adults in my life ... [who] always took me seriously and helped me do my best with really thoughtful advice."

"Ollie Shore’s unwavering dedication to his community and his drive to achieve his goals make him an exemplary recipient of the Youth Spirit Award, a council spokesperson said.

"His contributions to emergency services and sports officiating, combined with his leadership at school, showcase a young individual deeply committed to making a positive impact."