From the end of this month, the Balclutha District Court will cease to exist.
Minister of Courts Chester Borrows announced changes in December to close the Balclutha District Court and transfer its services to Dunedin.
Balclutha District Court has been held in Gore and, more recently, Dunedin after the ministry closed the courthouse in November 2011, citing concerns about earthquake risks.
The Ministry of Justice gazetted a ''revocation of appointment'' last month which is due to come into effect on March 31.
A notice for the transfer of Balclutha District Court records to the Dunedin District Court, was also gazetted.
Gazetting is the process of publishing notices, required under law, in the New Zealand Gazette, the country's official Government newspaper.
The ministry has yet to transfer the Balclutha property to Land Information New Zealand (Linz), which will consult Ngai Tahu as to whether it wants to exercise its right of first refusal under the Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act (1988).
Once Ngai Tahu has formally responded to this request, Linz will arrange for the ''disposal of the site'', either to Ngai Tahu or on the open market.
In the meantime, the ministry will continue to maintain the grounds and retain responsibility for building maintenance.