Board says yes to upgrades

West Otago residents can soon look forward to modest civic enhancements, following approval for town centre upgrades.

During its meeting in Tapanui yesterday, the West Otago Community Board approved funding of about $21,000 to install drinking fountains and seated picnic tables in both the Tapanui and Heriot town centres.

The funding will be provided about 50:50 from the Clutha District Council community plan budget and the board’s own project fund.

The street furniture will be installed at Tapanui’s Northumberland St Reserve and the Heriot Domain, adjoining the town’s recently refurbished tennis courts.

Linda Roulston
Linda Roulston
During discussion about the project, some board members expressed concern regarding proposed pricing for picnic tables.

Board member Bruce Robertson said he was "stunned" to see the price tag on the tables.

"That’s absolutely ridiculous. There must be some local people who could knock something up more affordably." he said.

An aluminium table for Tapanui was priced at $2458 plus GST; Heriot’s proposed wood and metal table was $4812 plus GST.

Following further discussion, members agreed to seek competitive pricing for the tables from local engineers.

Board member Linda Roulston urged the board not to delay the project unnecessarily.

"The project has been discussed for a long time, without much movement. Yes they’re expensive, but let’s do it once, and do it right," she said.

Project funding would be supplemented by in-kind labour and building materials provided by local firms, a report said.

The project requires final approval from the council next month, before it can proceed.