Clutha Health First (CHF) is undergoing its first major upgrade, split over six stages, since the centre opened on December 1, 1998.
Chief executive Ray Anton said stage one of the project was nearly complete, the existing veranda outside the Charlotte St exit having been extended to provide more cover for ambulance staff bringing in patients and a privacy screen erected.
The Charlotte St exit was open for public access, but minor changes were needed to allow the surgical bus access to the covered area. Once completed, this entrance will be limited to staff and emergency personnel only.
Stage two is also under way, as contractors lay bricks along the outside of the building and alterations are made next to the resuscitation room. Room 8 and the patient lounge will be closed until October 5 as work is carried out in that area.
Other stages will involve building extensions, and rearranging services.
The final stage of the development will include the demolition of a building next to the hospital at 20 Clyde St (the old Findlaters building) and the space will become a larger car park, in front of the new main entrance. Access will be via Clyde St.
Mr Anton said an increasing demand for space, especially in the GP area, had led to the need for the facility's extension.
Key developments included an extension of the GP facilities to allow for extra consultation rooms, one main entrance and waiting area and easier access to GP, lab and X-ray services, outpatient consultants and the inpatient ward.
The number of clinic rooms will be increased from five to 14 and they will be used by GPs and nurses.
The physiotherapy department will be relocated to the Clyde St side of the building and the new accident treatment area created in the former physiotherapy space.
Mr Anton said the redesigned area would improve the management of urgent cases and ambulance arrivals. The accident treatment area will have interior access to the resuscitation room inpatient ward and give more privacy than the existing system of patients being treated on arrival in the existing GP area.
CHF is the Balclutha-based hospital and health centre operated by a locally owned trust, Clutha Community Health Company Ltd. It leases the building from Clutha Health Inc.