The district council will discuss the recommendation today.
The bridge, spanning the Clutha River about 25km northwest of Balclutha, is strategically located, linking Clutha with Central Otago. It is the district's only major bridge over the Clutha River capable of handling wide loads.
Council staff have been investigating the future of the bridge for months, which involved inspections and tests.
A summary of the economic evaluation of the bridge was reported to the district assets committee on June 16. In that report, the council's bridge consultant confirmed scope exists to strengthen the bridge to class 1 (able to carry 44 tonnes).
Staff also looked at the cost of increasing bridge capacity from a single-traffic lane to dual-traffic lanes. This would now be considered at year 20, when bridge replacement is again to be evaluated. The estimated cost of a two-lane bridge is $10 million, and the estimate is $6 million for a one-lane bridge.
Last year, speed humps were placed on either side of the bridge after a council report found trucks and light vehicles were exceeding the 10kmh and 70kmh limits, respectively.
Clutha District Council district assets manager Jules Witt said the council would try to get the bridge "up to scratch" with an upgrade instead of replacing it.
The council will choose its preferred upgrade option today.
Clydevale crossing
Options to improve the bridge:
1. Strengthen existing bridge to class 1 - 20-year life plus a new bridge in 20 years' time, cost $974,000; CDC share $390,000.
2. New bridge in same location, 100-year design life, cost $5.8 million, CDC share $1.798 million.
3. New bridge "adjacent" to existing bridge, 100-year design life, cost $6 million, CDC share $1.86 million.