Options to cater for every runner

Matthew Linton parents on the run with his children Jacob and Silus (who was tucked safely...
Matthew Linton parents on the run with his children Jacob and Silus (who was tucked safely underneath) in a previous year’s event. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
The Timaru Ten will be putting the labour in Labour Weekend.

Organiser Jesse Kempf said the event provided "a run for everyone", from elite sportspeople to beginners and walkers.

Whether participants were trying a first 10km, attempting to break 30min for 5km for the first time, bringing a child to run the mile, or joining the new walks event, all were welcome, Kempf said.

Parents were also encouraged to bring their pram to join the 5km run.

He said the popularity of the 10km run had grown in recent years, to the point where it had to be split into two groups to avoid congestion.

He said race one doubled as the national 10km road championships.

He felt hosting an event of such importance was an exciting opportunity for the "small town-run club".

"We are all about facilitating an event where everyone, of all abilities, feels encouraged and supported as they chase their own personal goals.

"Running has incredible mental health benefits and obvious physical ones, too."

He said there was a camaraderie between the runners — all from different backgrounds and capable of different speeds — coming together with one goal.

Spot prizes of vouchers for running gear and meals would be given out at Speight’s Ale House afterwards.

The Timaru Ten will be held at Levels Raceway on October 26. registrations can be made at timaruten.nz