Glenavy farmer to head water management body

A committee which will help Environment Canterbury (ECan) manage water in the lower Waitaki catchment and Waitaki district will be chaired by Glenavy farmer Robin Murphy.

The Lower Waitaki-South Coastal Canterbury water management zone committee was set up by ECan with the Waitaki and Waimate district councils under the Canterbury Water Management Strategy.

The committee elected Mr Murphy chairman, and environmentalist and farmer Kate White, of Kurow, deputy chairman.

Mr Murphy will also be the committee's representative on the regional committee.

Mr Murphy is a dairy farmer and chairman of the Morven Glenavy Ikawai Irrigation company.

Other members selected as community representatives were farmer Matthew Ross (Duntroon), Meridian Energy Ltd partnership manager Sean McCready (West Melton), land manager in the forestry industry Andrew Cocking (Timaru) and a member of the Waitaha tribe Anne Te Maiharoa-Dodds (Glenavy).

Appointees to the committee were Cr Peter McIlraith (Waimate District Council), Cr Geoff Keeling (Waitaki District Council), Patrick Tipa (Moeraki runanga), Te Wera King (Waihao runanga), Mandy Home (Arowhenua runanga) and Environment Canterbury commissioner Peter Skelton.


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