Découpage and catch-up

Members of Willowbridge Women’s Institute displaying their découpaged bottles are (back, from...
Members of Willowbridge Women’s Institute displaying their découpaged bottles are (back, from left) Lorraine Morgan, Heather Sell, Helen Gardiner, June Ashton and Colleen McCulloch and (front, from left) Isabel Campbell and Judy McRae. PHOTOS: SUPPLIED

Willowbridge Women’s Institute

The June meeting of Willowbridge Women’s Institute was held at the home of hostess Jenny Rhodes.

This was a craft day and Jenny introduced us to découpage, which is the art of decorating an object by gluing paper and trimmings on to it.

Members firstly painted different sized bottles with chalk paint, then enjoyed lunch while the paint dried.

After this, another coat of paint was applied and while that dried we held our meeting

Eight members were welcomed and Jenny was thanked for organising the day.

Birthday wishes were given to Colleen McCulloch and Dorothy Ruddenklau.

Willowbridge Women’s Institute members learn how to decorate bottles using découpage.
Willowbridge Women’s Institute members learn how to decorate bottles using découpage.
Correspondence included a thank you letter from Judy McRae and another from Hospice for non-perishable donations. Hunter WI thanked us for our donation to help them attend a conference where they entered a lip sync competition.

A Federation newsletter was received which included notice of a card-making day, and knitting for Ukraine children.

In general business, several members had attended a bingo afternoon at Glenavy and also a concert for Hunter WI which was most enjoyable.

We were updated on progress at Eisteddfod practices.

Judy McRae won the lucky number.

After the meeting, we returned to our bottles and had a most enjoyable time gluing pieces of serviettes on to them.

These looked very pretty when finished and it was good to try a new activity. Afternoon tea concluded a most enjoyable day with lovely bottles to take home.

By Helen Gardiner