A bracing dip greets revellers at midwinter fest

Midwinter madness: More than 70 people made the dash to the water, with most getting out as...
Midwinter madness: More than 70 people made the dash to the water, with most getting out as quickly as they got in. Pictures: Guy Williams
Three masketeers: Katherine Cournane (left), Jess Wills (centre) and Sam Van Buuren (all 17), of...
Three masketeers: Katherine Cournane (left), Jess Wills (centre) and Sam Van Buuren (all 17), of Timaru, were not too cold to stop and pose after their quick dip.
Pink cheeks: Warren Bradley (left) and Dave Pearton, of Timaru, took their fancy dress seriously.
Pink cheeks: Warren Bradley (left) and Dave Pearton, of Timaru, took their fancy dress seriously.
Portrait of a lady: English tourist James Tinkler, aka ‘‘The Milk Maid’’, won first prize in the...
Portrait of a lady: English tourist James Tinkler, aka ‘‘The Milk Maid’’, won first prize in the fancy dress competition.

More than 70 hardy types took the plunge at the annual midwinter swim on Sunday.

Organised by Port FM and Smiths City, the event attracted some imaginative fancy dress ideas, including a group of young men dressed as 1970s pop band Village People and two middle-aged men wearing pink G-strings and body paint.

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