Waste water proposal encourages more development

Plans to solve Cardrona's waste water problems appear to have opened the floodgates to substantial housing and tourist developments that have been on hold for years.

The latest to join the rush is Brooklynne Developments Ltd, owned by Kathy Lynne, of Cardrona, who is seeking resource consent to subdivide rural visitor zoned land on the eastern side of the Cardrona River opposite the township to allow for 48 units and a lodge and spa.

The plan for what has been described as a ''Millbrook-style'' development first emerged publicly in 2006, when Ms Lynne told the Otago Daily Times of the proposal which had already been ''in the pipeline for quite a long time''.

The development has been granted various consents and extensions since then, but construction has not gone ahead.

In May last year, Ms Lynne told the Queenstown Lakes District Council development at Cardrona was ''on hold'' until a new wastewater system was installed, because the current one was ''full and failing''.

Brooklynne Developments' has now applied to the council for a new consent which includes some changes to the layout of the development.

Ms Lynne could not be reached yesterday but her application follows the council indicating last month a solution to Cardrona's waste water problems was on the way.

Council general manager property and infrastructure Peter Hansby announced a public-private collaboration to build a new wastewater system in conjunction with the developers of Mt Cardrona Station, who plan to build an 80-bed four-and-a-half star hotel, an 18-hole golf course, and 480 mixed-density housing lots.

The system would serve the station development, on 131ha of land 2km north of the Cardrona Village, and also the Cardrona Village and the Cardrona Alpine Resort skifield.

The station development has itself been in the pipeline for more than a decade.

Mr Hansby said in September there were ''still a number of details to work through before an agreement, costs and timings for the project are finalised and council's involvement is confirmed''.


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