Town centre CCTV delay criticised

Perceived delays in establishing closed circuit TV cameras in the centre of Queenstown have been criticised by Chamber of Commerce chairman Alastair Porter.

The Queenstown Lakes District Council has amended its draft annual plan for the next financial year to include $200,000 for improving lighting in the town centre and investigating the installation of CCTV cameras.

This was not included in the first draft, sent out for public consultation in April.

But Mr Porter said this was "not good enough".

"I am very disappointed to hear they will only be investigating options. We were asking for immediate installation of cameras.

"The council should place a higher priority on the safety of residents and the image of Queenstown as a safe tourist destination," he said.

Mayor Clive Geddes said he did not understand the chamber's criticism, as the council had added the issue of security to the annual plan through this funding after reviewing public submissions.

"The Chamber of Commerce had asked, in its submission, for provisions for lighting and CCTV cameras - and we have given them just that," Mr Geddes said.

He said lighting was part of increasing security, as a step towards installing the cameras.

"An investigation into the options has to be done. After that we can proceed to installation of stage one of the CCTV cameras. It could happen this year," he said.

Quenstown Senior Sergeant John Fookes said cameras in central Queenstown had "an excellent role to play" for the police.

"Every week we have examples of using CCTV footage from individual companies in our investigation of crime.

"It would be great for us to also have cameras in public places. With its compact size and layout, the Queenstown CBD is almost tailor-made for CCTV usage," he said.

He acknowledged police did not have the funds to install the cameras, and said he would welcome any steps from council towards installing a security system.

"CCTV is an outstanding investigative tool for us, though I am not sure of its preventive effect. The proposed enhanced lighting could increase security in the central town, which we do support," he added.

The annual plan will be presented for adoption at a council meeting next Tuesday.


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