Supervision for ‘one-off’ meth supply offending

A sentence given to a Queenstown man for supplying methamphetamine has been described as unusual.

In the Invercargill District Court yesterday, Judge Bernadette Farnan sentenced Nathan Dane Heerdegen (34) to nine months of supervision.

She also required him to undertake any treatment suggested by the Department of Corrections.

Judge Farnan said it was not the usual outcome for people convicted on such charges, but decided on the approach and accepted it was ‘‘one-off’’ offending.

Heerdegen was taking the correct steps towards his rehabilitation, she said.

He had faced a representative charge of offering to supply methamphetamine following an investigation by police into the activities of Philip Christopher Walters and his partner Billy-Jean Todd, who were believed to have been dealing methamphetamine.

The summary of facts stated that during the period of March 2 to April 7, Heerdegen met Walters at his house or car parking areas around Queenstown on up to eight occasions.

He received several messages from different people asking if he was ‘‘loaded’’.

Counsel Fiona Guy-Kidd QC said her client had ‘‘only’’ supplied close friends and the charge was a ‘‘huge wake-up call’’ for him.

Walters was also sentenced yesterday - to 19 months’ jail after facing a representative charge of supplying methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine for supply and failing to carry out obligations in relation to a computer search.

Through data obtained from Walters’ mobile, it was revealed he had driven from Queenstown to Christchurch to procure methamphetamine on up to 40 occasions from September 2019 to March 2020.

He then took the drug back to Queenstown and sold it to his customers at his home or in public car parks.

The summary of facts stated he regularly changed cars, used rental vehicles and often travelled late in the day to drive back through the night, in a effort to avoid being detected by the authorities.

On April 7, police executed a search warrant at Walters’ address and located two zip lock bags, within which was believed to be 6g of methamphetamine.

Judge Farnan ordered the destruction of all drugs seized.

Todd will appear before the court next year to face charges of supplying methamphetamine and possessing methamphetamine for supply.


