Super-charging writers’ fest

Cage fighter-turned-teacher and best-selling author Airana Ngarewa. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Cage fighter-turned-teacher and best-selling author Airana Ngarewa. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
What started as a two-day festival, with a budget of about $6000 and featuring eight authors, has officially doubled in length and more than tripled in size, with a budget to match.

Launched in 2019, the Queenstown Writers Festival will be held for the sixth time this year, and feature more than 25 nationally-acclaimed writers, taking part in various events, including author conversations, workshops, a book launch and theatre.

This year’s festival’s being held at Te Atamira, from October 31 to November 3, and will include some events at libraries in Wānaka for the first time.

Festival chair Tanya Surrey says the curation of the 2024 event’s been a labour of love, made even tougher by the breadth of literary talent across the country.

"Literary festivals around the country have been thriving in recent times, and I am optimistic that audiences will enjoy the events in our 2024 programme.

"It is designed to delight and inspire."

The guest list includes journalist Steve Braunias, TV personality Jude Dobson, who wrote the incredible story of WW2 spy Pippa Latour, and TV personality Paddy Gower, whose first book’s being published this month.

Dr Emma Wehipeihana (Espiner) will discuss her memoir with Otago University’s Dr Jacinta Ruru, while Craig Hoyle will share his heart-wrenching story of growing up gay in an Exclusive Brethren family in Invercargill.

Also in the lineup are former cage fighter-turned-teacher Airana Ngarewa (Ngati Ruanui, Nga Rauru, Ngaruahine), who won the short story and poetry competitions at the Ronald Hugh Morrieson Literary Awards in 2022, sharing his stories of growing up in small-town NZ, as published in Pātea Boys, and Claire Baylis, who’ll discuss her novel dissecting the internal workings of a jury with Dunedin-based defence lawyer Anne Stevens KC.

Special treats include Jacqueline Bublitz, who’ll bring a slice of New York glamour our way when she’s joined by Margaret O’Hanlon to launch her new novel; an evening of live poetry performed by renowned poets Tusiata Avia, Tayi Tibble, Hera Lindsay Bird and Daren Kamali, thanks to a special partnership with Te Atamira; and two one-act plays performed by Remarkable Theatre — Love Letters and Chook Chook.

Full programme details and tickets are available via

