School work comes first

Alyssandra Skerrett donates her time to others through the Wakatipu High School PTA and the Inner...
Alyssandra Skerrett donates her time to others through the Wakatipu High School PTA and the Inner Wheel Rotary Partners Group. Photo by Joanne Carroll.
People who give up their time for the good of the community do not expect anything in return. Volunteers are the backbone of many community organisations. In an ongoing series, Joanne Carroll meets some Wakatipu volunteers.

Alyssandra Skerrett, of Kelvin Heights, donates her time to others through the Wakatipu High School Parents and Teachers Association and the Inner Wheel Rotary Partners Group.

She has been chairwoman of the PTA for the past two years.

Originally from the United States, Mrs Skerrett moved to New Zealand 19 years ago and to Queenstown five years ago.

"I have two teenage girls. When they joined Wakatipu High School, I wanted to be part of the PTA because I wanted to know more about how the school works, and I thought it would be a great way to get to know other parents," she said.

Her daughters moved to Wakatipu High School after starting high school at a boarding school in Dunedin.

She said they were now achieving more academically and were happier at Wakatipu.

"I was sceptical about the school at first, but since I've been involved, I have seen so much going on with amazing programmes and teachers working hard with pupils to make a difference," she said.

The PTA has 12 committee members and about 18 helpers.

"Last year we only had six at our AGM. This year we had 24, which is fantastic. But out of 680 parents at the school it's not a huge number [and] we need more parent support," she said.

"I think people get involved in kindy and then primary school, and by the time they get to high school, they are exhausted from being on committees, but they still have a responsibility for their children. We really need a lot of help," she said.

Mrs Skerrett has put in many hours of work every week, helping the committee and fundraising for the school.

She made 1200 cupcakes last year.

"The PTA organises morning tea for the staff, as a way of recognising the staff. I've also baked for the three funerals of Wakatipu High School pupils in the past year," she said.

She also gives her time during NCEA exams as a reader writer.

She helped at the Golden Oldies World Netball Festival last year, and this year, she spent hours bagging Telecom phone books as a PTA fundraiser.

"All funds raised go towards little things the school cannot afford in its budget. Last year we bought two projectors, and this year we are raising money for COWs - computers on wheels," she said.

She would be helping to organise the association's annual fundraiser to be held at Jacks Point on September 11.

"It will be a fun night from 7 to midnight. There'll be a live band and an auction," she said.

Mrs Skerrett has been a member of the Inner Wheel Rotary Partners Group for 14 years.

She is the editor of the Rotary publication Innerlink.

Through her work with Rotary she raises money for the hospice, Daffodil Day and gives up her time for meals on wheels.

"I believe community service starts at home. We should all try to help our neighbours when there is a need.

"Unfortunately, it is a service we are forgetting. People forget to give back to the community," she said.

She also finds time to run her own business - Alyssandra Striking Stationary.

She handmakes wedding stationary and corporate greeting cards at home and sells them nationwide through her website.

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