The Queenstown Squash Club may move to Frankton, a report to this week's full Queenstown Lakes District Council says.
The club's lease for its clubrooms on Memorial St was granted by the council in 1999 for a 19-year term - due to expire on April 1 next year.
Property adviser Joanne Conroy said in her report the council was considering the Queenstown Town Centre Masterplan Strategy, which ''could affect this site due to the arterial realignments''.
The Otago Daily Times has previously reported the council's preferred option under the master plan is to demolish the existing Queenstown Memorial Centre, home to the resort's Returned Services Association, to make way for an arterial link.
That proposal was also likely to affect the squash club and the Wakatipu Rugby Club - a portion of which is shared by the squash club.
Ms Conroy's report said the squash club approached the council to initiate a new lease and consider what options might be available to relocate the club to another facility in time, potentially beside the Queenstown Events Centre.
''We have conducted an initial consultation with Sport and Recreation at council, who have confirmed that a review of sporting facility and uses is intended in the coming year/s.
''For the time being, until that review is completed, it is suggested that the club seek a new lease which would ensure continuity of term.''
The club sought a longer-term lease, however - the recommendation was for it to be granted a three-year lease, with a renewal provision for another three years.
That would enable the club to ''plan, fundraise and relocate during that six-year period if necessary''.
The lease would include the right for the council to terminate the lease with 18 months' notice if the land was required for ''core infrastructure projects''.
The rent would be $1 per annum, pursuant to the council's Community Pricing Policy.