In the Otago Daily Times yesterday, candidates for the Otago Regional Council described what they would do, if elected, to combat lake snow in Lakes Wanaka, Wakatipu and Hawea.
Comments provided by Dunstan ward candidate Maggie Lawton were inadvertently omitted.
Ms Lawton considered the council had been slow to act on the problem and more needed to be known about where the organism came from and why it secreted the mucus that caused the concern.
"We need a plan to reduce its existence and effects, acknowledging that once these problems become established they can be hard to reverse.
"An ecological solution is certainly best but an engineering solution may also be required for the water supply."
She also advocated community catchment management plans, supported by the council, to stop contamination of the lakes, and a biosecurity plan to stop the spread of lake snow to Lakes Dunstan, Manapouri and Te Anau.