QLDC retains ability to issue building consents

"We are not complacent about the ...  latest assessment, because we have to maintain these...
"We are not complacent about the ... latest assessment, because we have to maintain these standards all the time" - Tony Avery, QLDC
The Queenstown Lakes District Council has been given the green light to continue issuing building consents by International Accreditation New Zealand (IANZ).

The council announced in May it had been issued with 10 "corrective action requests" and four "strong recommendations" by the Crown entity following an audit.

IANZ found  a variety of problems around internal record-keeping, including issuing code compliance  certificates without  receiving enough  information, inadequate staff training and sending inexperienced staff to carry out inspections without supervision.

IANZ’s latest "routine assessment" was done in October.

Two corrective action requests were identified but overall the council was performing its duties well, the IANZ review report said. In the past six months, a significant amount of work had been done by the building team, which showed "strong commitment" to addressing the problems, it  said.

The quality of building consent applications had improved, as had timeframes for consents,  code compliance certificate monitoring and the overall  Building Consent Authority (BCA) system, including procedures, checklists, registers and supervision.

Once two corrective actions related to issuing code compliance certificates and compliance schedules were corrected, continued accreditation was recommended.

Queenstown Lakes District Council planning and development general manager Tony Avery said the two concerns were addressed "immediately".

That the council had retained  accreditation  reflected the huge amount of work the building control team had carried out since the beginning of the year, when  accreditation was in doubt, Mr Avery said.

"We are not complacent about the results of the latest assessment because we have to maintain these standards all the time."

Mr Avery said the building industry had responded well to the more stringent requirements for complete documentation.

"We are very close to meeting the 20-day processing time for applications now, with about 89% of applications processed on time."

However, the council was issued with 15 recommendations by IANZ — six of those "strong", which had "the potential to become non-conformances" and would be followed up in the next assessment.

The recommendations were largely around better recording and staff and recruitment plans.

It was  "strongly recommended" the council ensure staff training  requirements were identified and addressed "in a reasonable timeframe" and the effectiveness of the training  recorded.

The report said unless the council underwent any "critical changes" that required earlier assessment of its accreditation, the next assessment would be carried out next October.


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