Proposed service station gains consent

Consent has been granted for a service station to be built at the corner of SH6 and Hawthorne Dr...
Consent has been granted for a service station to be built at the corner of SH6 and Hawthorne Dr in Frankton. IMAGE: SUPPLIED
A 24-hour petrol station on the Frankton Flats has been approved  by the Queenstown Lakes District Council.

In August Nelson Petroleum Distributors Ltd applied for non-notified land use consent to build and operate the service station and carwash at the corner of Ladies Mile Highway (SH6) and Hawthorne Dr, near Five Mile, on land owned by Queenstown Central Ltd.

QLDC resource consents team leader Quinn McIntyre said in his decision, dated November 24, consent had been approved, subject to conditions.

The service station, on a 2795sq m site, would include underground tanks for diesel and fuel storage, a forecourt with 16 filling positions covered by two canopies, a convenience store and a carwash.

After the application was lodged the exterior of the convenience store building, carwash and pumps, the signage and landscaping had been revised.

Mr McIntyre’s decision said the council’s urban design consultant, Erin Quin, initially raised concerns over the proposed signage, built form and pedestrian access/conditions.

"The proposal has since been amended, including a reduction in the scale of the signage, a change to the built form and the inclusion of pedestrian links.

"The changes ...  have made a significant improvement," Ms Quin’s report said.

The QLDC’s consultant landscape architect, Richard Denney, initially raised concerns over the proposed landscaping and a pylon sign.

The applicant had now reduced the scale of the signage and pylon and the landscaping proposal had been extended in area and included trees and increased cycle and pedestrian connections.

The activity was not provided for within either of the activity areas the site was in, which could result in a loss of land zoned for other purposes.

The area was zoned for offices, light industrial activities, community activities and retail.

However, the issue around the supply and loss of industrial-zoned land was canvassed in depth during the resource consent process for Foodstuffs (South Island) Properties Ltd, which operates the recently opened Pak’n Save supermarket.

Mr McIntyre said that was a particularly relevant consideration given "there is considered to be a shortage of industrial-zoned land within the district".

"In this case, although a service station fits in to a ‘commercial’ activity, it is considered to be compatible with industrial areas, i.e, it is not sensitive to noise or discharges and not particularly suited to other zones.

"Given that only a small portion of the site is located within Activity Area E1 [where industrial and light industrial activities are permitted] the effects on the supply and loss [of] industrial-zoned land are considered to be no more than minor.

"Activity Area E2 provides for a range of activities and it is not considered that the establishment of a service station will significantly reduce the amount of land available for other activities within the area."

The conditions of consent include an approved landscape management plan to include long-term objectives over five years; the installation of a rumble strip on the vehicle entry between the Hawthorne Dr carriageway; and requirements related to the width of the main cycle/pedestrian path.

Earthworks during construction were permitted  between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Saturday, with no activity on Sundays or public holidays.

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