There, at a free pool party from noon to 2pm, one can meet the new Wanaka facilities manager, Cam Sheppard, who has relinquished his role as Lakes Leisure Queenstown facilities manager to take on the Wanaka job.
One can also go for a swim in the pool for the first time since it closed in mid-July for maintenance.
Swimmers who have been champing at the bit to get back into training for a variety of competitions will notice the new non-slip floor, fresh paint and large air-conditioning ducts in the roof. The air-conditioning system has not been completed, as parts have not arrived.
When they do, a short closure of a few days will be needed.
More importantly, a new $40,000 filter has been installed following an urgent authorisation of the purchase order last month by deputy mayor and finance committee chairman John S. Wilson.
Mr Sheppard will handle all bookings for the pool - which has been without a full-time manager since Tim Holden left to go overseas last year - and the Lake Wanaka Centre.
The former centre manager, Lyal Cocks, recently resigned to concentrate on his driving-school business and council election campaign.
Mr Sheppard will also handle all bookings for Wanaka sports fields and reserves and be the first point of contact for Wanaka community groups.
He has lived in Wanaka for the last seven months and was commuting daily to his job at the Queenstown Events Centre at Frankton.
"When the position came up, it was a very attractive option for me and my family. The new role allows me to stay involved with Lakes Leisure, while taking on new challenges... I am looking forward to cementing myself as a full-time Wanaka local," he said.