Polyfest event growing strong

Rangatahi from across the Central Lakes and Southland will raise the roof of the Queenstown Events Centre over two days next week.

Now in its fifth year, more than 1600 students will perform during the non-competitive Central Lakes Polyfest, organised by Maori and Pasifika cultural arts trust Miharo, based in Murihiku (Southland).

Central Lakes programme and events lead Aroha Solomon says the Central Lakes Polyfest is an extension of Murihiku’s, held every August, and this year will feature performances by Southland Boys’ High School, Aparima College and Northern Southland College, along with schools from across the Whakatipu, Wānaka and Central Otago, ranging from early childhood to secondary schools.

The Central Lakes Polyfest returns to the Queenstown Events Centre next week. PHOTO: ARCHIVE
The Central Lakes Polyfest returns to the Queenstown Events Centre next week. PHOTO: ARCHIVE
While they had hoped to hold, for the first time here, a community showcase as part of the event — open to any community group to showcase their cultural performances — they didn’t get enough registrations to make it a goer this year.

"We’re open to that for next year.

"It could be groups [people] are involved with through church or with family, so it’s getting those adults on stage with [rangatahi].

"I just went off to the Fiji Day celebration in the weekend and there are definitely groups out there — you don’t have to be solely in Queenstown, of course; we cover the whole Central Lakes area."

Solomon says next week’s performances, which celebrate Maori and Pasifika groups, will run from 9am to 3pm on Wednesday and from 9.30am to 2pm on Thursday — she notes 70% of participants are non-Maori, "and we welcome that".

Anyone’s welcome to watch — entry is via gold coin donation.

