Pints and plays to push plastic message

Sustainable Queenstown's Esther Whitehead and Remarkable Theatre's Blaise Barham. Photo: Mountain Scene
Sustainable Queenstown's Esther Whitehead and Remarkable Theatre's Blaise Barham. Photo: Mountain Scene

Sustainability and creative groups are joining forces to encourage Queenstowners to ditch plastic.

And you can even take part while enjoying a pint.

Smiths Craft Beer House will host the Short Plays and a Pint event tonight.

It’s a creative collaboration between Sustainable Queenstown, Wastebusters Wanaka, Remarkable Theatre, and the Queenstown Creative Writing Group.

“The community is becoming much more interested in sustainability, and in terms of waste management as well, so we’re really excited to look at this from an arts perspective,” Sustainable Queenstown founder Esther Whitehead says.

There will also be two talks – one on a Wanaka initiative to reduce single-use coffee cups in cafes, and another on the Dishrupt initiative.

Remarkable Theatre president Blaise Barham says they’ll be performing a play, a short story, and a poem by members of the Creative Writing Group.

“We’re really excited to be collaborating in this important event.”

Creative Writing Group member Bethany Rogers says: “All four groups are incredibly passionate and I think plastic pollution is something many of us in the community are concerned about.

“The point of creative writing and performance art is to push boundaries and deal with difficult topics in unusual ways and that’s exactly what we’ve all done here.”

The event will start at 5.30pm, tickets are $15.

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