Pilot’s sisters suffer from ‘hug fatigue’

Ben Letham.
Ben Letham.
The sisters of a Queenstown parapenter who died last month say they have been overwhelmed by the support of the Wakatipu community and are "suffering from hug fatigue".

GForce Paragliding pilot Ben Letham (26), originally from Scotland, died  on April 22 after crashing while on a solo recreational flight.

One of his sisters, Vicky Zoers, told the Otago Daily Times yesterday she could not express how "overwhelmed, how loved and supported we, as a family, feel".

Miss Zoers worked in  Queenstown for eight years, leaving in 2014.

While her homecoming last Tuesday was "bittersweet", she said she and her sisters, Rebecca, Jessica and Katherine, had been "totally bowled over" by the community support.

"I know that Queenstown has this undercurrent — the QT family, when somebody is in a situation, people rally and rally hard.

"I know that, but I didn’t expect this.

"I didn’t expect the amount of love and warmth and support we’ve felt from everybody and I have to say I’m suffering from hug fatigue; a hug from a Southland man is a hug in itself, but when you get it repeatedly, over and over, my muscles are struggling."

Miss Zoers said she felt it was important her three sisters came to Queenstown to "experience the love and support of the QT family".

On Monday, all four women took part in a memorial flight, from Queenstown’s gondola hill to the Queenstown Recreation Ground, along with Mr Letham’s friends and GForce colleagues.

The experience had helped, Miss Zoers said.

"The boys have just been amazing — GForce have just been right there, really supportive. I can’t fault them at all."

Miss Zoers said Mr Letham, the baby of the family, travelled to Queenstown for the first time on his 21st birthday after she had begged him to come "for years", knowing how much the keen surfer, mountain and rock climber would enjoy the adventure lifestyle.

"He just never stopped. He was just always thinking about the next mission, the next thing to do — climb higher, go further, fly higher."

By yesterday afternoon, a crowd-funding page set up to help the family with expenses related to his services had raised £11,610 — almost $21,670.

That was "completely unexpected", Miss Zoers said.

"But it’s a testament to Ben and how he gave people the time; how he made them feel happier about life.

"It makes us very proud as sisters — massively proud."

Money left over after covering the costs incurred would go towards permanent memorials, three of which were planned, she said.

Meanwhile, Civil Aviation Authority communications adviser Philippa Langley said the investigation into the cause of Mr Letham’s crash was ongoing.

"It is anticipated that the investigation report will be complete within six to 12 months."


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