Millbrook owner in Lulu's corner

Millbrook owner Gota Ishii and his sister Yuki, right, with Lulu Sun before her history-making...
Millbrook owner Gota Ishii and his sister Yuki, right, with Lulu Sun before her history-making fourth-round win at Wimbledon last week. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Some like it hot.

Imperium Collection’s luxury yacht Pacific Jemm’s offering two daily mulled wine cruises from Queenstown Bay this winter — pictured holding a newly-poured glass is duty manager Eduarda Esquinsani.

Skipper Geoff Gemmell says for $85 cruise-goers get two spiced mulled wines, a sausage roll, melted camembert cheese drizzled onto bread with olive oil — and a 90-minute cruise on Lake Whakatipu.

"As long as the sun’s shining, we try to stay in the sun for the bulk of the cruise," he says.

Sailings leave O’Regan’s Wharf at 12.30pm and 3pm each day.

