A Glenorchy man caught behind the wheel with an "extraordinarily high" alcohol level has told a judge he forgot he was forbidden from driving.
David Charles Alexander Kirkwood, 62, caretaker, was stopped by police in Marks Rd, Haast, on July 24.
A subsequent blood test gave a result of 317mg, more than six times the legal limit and equivalent to a breath-alcohol level of 1585mcg.
"I’m sorry for what’s happened."
Prosecuting sergeant Ian Collin said he had received an "insightful" email from a member of the community saying support was now in place for the defendant.
Counsel Tanya Surrey said Kirkwood lived in a Bedford house bus, but it would soon be rendered inoperable.
Judge Walker said the blood-alcohol level was "phenomenal", but he would take a rehabilitative approach to sentencing.
Reminding Kirkwood to "stay off the road", he disqualified him from driving for 13 months, after which he would be subject to a zero-alcohol licence.
He also imposed 12 months’ intensive supervision to enable intervention for the defendant’s addiction issues.