Legging it for Cystic Fibrosis

Cyclist Kate Legge and her speed-walking hubby Mike battle recent snowy conditions. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Cyclist Kate Legge and her speed-walking hubby Mike battle recent snowy conditions. PHOTO: SUPPLIED
Queenstown couple Kate and Mike Legge have dubbed this month ‘Sweatember’.

They’re raising money and awareness for Cystic Fibrosis NZ’s annual fundraiser — ‘make your sweat count’ — by trying to complete about 11 marathons, or 450km, by a combination of Kate cycling and Mike speed-walking.

The cause is personal to them as their elder son Charlie, 18, lives with the genetic disorder — a lifelong illness — which affects your lungs and digestive system.

The couple are knocking off their kilometres six days a week, Kate on a stationary bike, averaging 20km a day, and Mike by speed-walking about 3.5km a day in his neighbourhood.

Kate undertook an earlier Sweatember by swimming laps in a pool.

They explain the challenge is exercise-related as physical activity’s recommended for CFers.

Charlie, who’s in his final year at Wakatipu High and hoping to go to Otago Uni, was into trampolining when he was younger and is a keen boulderer these days.

As of last weekend his parents had covered 342km and raised almost $700.

"A thousand bucks would be brilliant," Mike says.

