Land in lieu of reserves payment

The Queenstown Lakes District Council will receive land rather than cash as a reserves contribution from the developers of three subdivision stages within the big new Northlake special zone.

In a report to tomorrow's Wanaka Community Board meeting, parks and reserves planning manager Stephen Quin recommends pieces of land in the subdivision be vested in the council "in lieu of reserve land contributions payable for the proposed subdivision of three stages''.

Council policy allowed for contributions to be either "land or cash or a combination of both'', Mr Quin said.

As part of a deal, Northlake Investments Ltd will also be required to develop the reserves with plantings, walkways and "other assets'' to the tune of $499,272 - equivalent to the requirement for 426 residential units.

After five years, maintenance will become the responsibility of the council, at an annual cost of $40,000 per year.

Some reserves will be used for both recreation and drainage.

A total of 1500 residential sections are planned ultimately for the special zone. Mr Quin noted Northlake Investments, the largest of four property owners, lodged an application last month to create 108 lots.

Mr Quin said bulk earthworks were due to be completed by November, with work to establish roading and services due to begin on August 1.

The "central design feature'' was Northlake Dr extending from Outlet Rd to the west.

Deputy mayor Lyal Cocks said yesterday where more reserve land was wanted, it was not unusual for land to be vested in the council rather than cash paid as a development contribution.

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