On course for golf career

A former Wakatipu High student’s living the dream with a golf scholarship in the United States.

Liam Judkins, 20, is holidaying back in Queenstown after completing the first of four years at California State University, Northridge.

Judkins, a member of the university’s seven-man golf team. played all five events in the US autumn, and the first two in spring before dislocating his right shoulder in March.

Back home he’s looking to get his body into a better position before resuming golf when he returns in August.

Judkins says he hadn’t dreamt of playing US college golf while at Wakatipu High.

"It was always like this tough, you know, individual sport, growing up — sort of through like 12 to 16 it was an on-and-off, love-hate relationship."

Alongside golf, Judkins is also studying finance — "it’s a busy weekly schedule".

"The goal is to win a tournament over there at some point, whether that’s my third year or fourth year."

Should he rank high enough, he could then end up joining a pro tour in the US.

