Black Lives Matter protest in Queenstown

Demonstrators have gathered by the memorial arch in Queenstown this afternoon in support of the Black Lives Matter movement.

The protest forms a small part of a global reaction to the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, America, two weeks ago. About 150 people were at the protest just before 1pm.

Mr Floyd died after a police officer knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes.

People from across the world have rebelled against police brutality and prejudice against black people.

In Queenstown today, organisers checked people into the event with a QR Code and asked those attending to stand in their own bubbles.

Demonstrators at a Black Lives Matter protest in Queenstown. Photo: Matthew McKew
Demonstrators at a Black Lives Matter protest in Queenstown. Photo: Matthew McKew
Names of those who have died in police custody were read out, while a crowd of around a hundred stood in silence, holding placards.

One read: "If you are tired of hearing about racism, imagine how tired people are of experiencing it."

The protest in Queenstown was peaceful and there was almost no police presence.

Demonstrators, including school pupils, at a Black Lives Matter protest in Queenstown. Photo:...
Demonstrators, including school pupils, at a Black Lives Matter protest in Queenstown. Photo: Matthew McKew
Protests have already taken place in Auckland and Dunedin, as well as elsewhere in New Zealand.

In the US and UK, violent clashes have broken out between some protesters and police.


Kiwis are oblivious to the rampant racism so prevalent here in New Zealand. Read this article: "I've been seeing a lot of New Zealanders posting about how America is so racist and posting various Black Lives Matter posts, and I just found it ironic since in my 1 week in NZ I experienced more racism in than my entire life in the US and the 35+ countries I've been to". Very similar to my experiences. Read and see the Asian experience here in NZ. Ask a Muslim their experience here in NZ Racism in the US has nothing on the racism I've experienced here in NZ. Why cant these people do something productive for US here in NZ? We are forgotten and abused! The worst thing, these people protesting here don't even participate in the NZ election process. Do you want change? Vote and focus on change HERE in NZ! Stand up for US. Mr. Floyd's death was tragic, ignoring our plight is even more tragic!

