Algae level not enough for warning

Very small quantities of a toxic algae were found in the Arrow River on Wednesday, but the levels are too low to warrant public notification.

Otago Regional Council environmental resource scientist Rachel Ozanne said 100m either side of Wilcox Green was searched and phormidium was found on only five or six rocks.

The algal mats were no more than 3mm thick and no bigger than palm-sized and there was no evidence of dried-up algae on the banks.

Under New Zealand guidelines at least a 20% cover is required for public notification and warning signs to be erected.

Levels at the Arrow River were "not close to this level".

However, dog owners were advised to consider there was potential for small amounts of cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, in any river or lake, she said.

Remarkables Vet owner Dr Geoff Woodhouse recommended dogs  be kept away from all shallow water.

While the presence of phormidium was not at a "human-level problem", dogs  might  ingest it.

"We are suggesting that the dogs do stay out of the waterways, both lake and shallow river, just at this moment until the flow changes or until the barometer, which is probably Lake Hayes, gets the all-clear."

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