Sharon Fifield agrees with comments by Rugby Planet owner Miles Wilson in last week’s Mountain Scene that many chain stores, in particular, are missing out on lucrative night-time trade by closing at 6pm or even 5pm — Wilson noting in summer he does about 40% of each day’s trade between 5pm and 10pm.
Fifield says they’ll likely have a chat to landlords and see if they’ll speak to tenants and encourage them to stay open later, though wonders if some of the issues with chain store retailers may be "staffing-related".
Following last week’s story, CBD landlord Tony Butson says he’s pointed out to his retail tenants the benefits of opening later.
"We’ve got foot traffic numbers to prove numbers are still strong after a lot of these retailers are closing."
A spokesperson for Glassons owner Hallenstein Glassons, whose CBD store shuts mostly at 6pm, says "while we don’t have any plans to change our hours at the moment, we have passed on your feedback to our team for future consideration".
Former CBD retailer Kim Wilkinson, who still owns the Wilkinsons Pharmacy building, says it would be great to see the chain stores open late in the summer months, especially when the sun is still out.
"It just helps create a safe and friendly environment and adds to a good family atmosphere."