What's cool for schools

Ministry of Education contractor Dr Gabrielle Wall asks a group of Wanaka Primary School children...
Ministry of Education contractor Dr Gabrielle Wall asks a group of Wanaka Primary School children for their input on the future of the town's educational provisions yesterday. PHOTO: LUCY IBBOTSON
A chocolate factory factory and free vending machines are two key design elements Wanaka schoolchildren suggest should be part of a new school in the area.

The Ministry of Education is working on plans for future education provision in the Upper Clutha, and a group of 17 Wanaka Primary School pupils were the first to say what sort of new educational facilities the district should get.

The hour-long session was the start of a week of public consultation, which will include discussions with pupils from other schools, parents, staff and the community.

Ministry contractor Dr Gabrielle Wall and her co-facilitator Amanda Gillespie, a local teacher, asked the pupils what opportunities they expected to get at the next school they attended. Responses ranged from more exams, subjects and homework, to an ''escape from embarrassing parents''.

''You can go down giant waterslides because you will be taller,'' was one young girl's response, while her male classmate was looking forward to sleeping in, ''because most teenagers do at weekends''.

Attempting Guinness records, drinking whisky, having a school canteen and wearing a different uniform also appealed.

The children were also asked to identify one key thing they thought every classroom should have. Suggestions included more technology, chairs, a whiteboard and more ''hipster teachers''.

Among the list of the necessary features for a school were a chocolate factory, a pool, a nice principal and a free vending machine.

The ''face-to-face'' consultation ends on May 20 and will be followed by an online survey.


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