Weather no deterrent to bowlers

Leo Ward, of Arrowtown, delivers a bowl during the Central Otago Bowls and Arrowtown Bowling Club...
Leo Ward, of Arrowtown, delivers a bowl during the Central Otago Bowls and Arrowtown Bowling Club's opening day and "roll up" tournament at Arrowtown on Saturday. Photo by Tracey Roxburgh.
An untimely snowfall was not enough to deter about 50 keen bowlers, some of whom had travelled from Central Otago and Garston, from the opening of the 2008-09 bowling season in Arrowtown.

Central Otago Bowls centre president John Lindsay said at 11.30am on Saturday about 1.25cm of snow was lying on the green, following an early morning downpour and sudden snowfall.

However, by 2pm, when the season was officially opened before the "roll up" tournament, steam was coming off the green as the bowlers prepared to compete.

Mr Lindsay said the numbers on Saturday were "not bad in the conditions".

"We would have had people from Wanaka, Cromwell and Hawea and Alexandra, but we rang them [and told them not to come due to the snow]."

Mr Lindsay said the season will run until the end of April, with regular competitions scheduled across the 17 centres in the Central Otago catchment, from Millers Flat to Queenstown and Maniototo.

While bowls was traditionally a "more mature sport", there was the beginnings of a resurgence among younger players, primarily thanks to social bowling nights and corporate competitions, he said.

"There are an awful lot of young people in the Arrowtown club - we have 15 new men members coming soon and one or two new ladies."

Mr Lindsay said for those serious about the sport and needing a little bit of extra help, a development squad had been set up.

However, for those not so serious, he said it was "a very simple game", with the positioning of your body and the bowl "all you've got to think about".


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