Queenstown Lakes District Council parks manager Gordon Bailey said a Wakatipu wilding conifer strategy was first adopted in 2004, when the council promised the community it would be reviewed every four years.
"There has been considerable progress made as a result of the 2004 strategy. We are looking to take that success even further with the revised strategy," Mr Bailey said.
This time, the council had taken a broader view of wilding trees, recognising species now known as potential wildings.
The strategy also identified actions to control the spread of wilding tree species and proposed how those actions could be prioritised.
In particular, it proposed an increase in annual funding to $500,000 for the four-year period (previously $100,000 per year) and an independent group be set up to actively drive the implementation of the strategy.
"We're really keen to hear from the community about whether we've got the proposed actions and priorities right," Mr Bailey said.
A public information session was to be held at the council chambers last night. to help the community understand the strategy.
The strategy and a feedback form was available on the council website www.qldc.govt.nz or the Queenstown council office. Comments close on December 12.