Three SHA subdivisions for town?

At least three new subdivisions are on the cards for Arrowtown under special housing area (SHA) rules.

The Otago Daily Times understands Arrowtown South developer and farmer Roger Monk is behind one of 15 subdivision proposals that will be considered by the Queenstown Lakes District Council on April 30.

Mr Monk has been fighting for more than five years to create the Arrowtown South subdivision on a 17ha site on the township's southern boundary.

He and Cook Adam Trustees Ltd originally proposed to build 215 houses on the land, but last month a scaled-back version, allowing 41 houses, was approved by the Environment Court.

When contacted by the ODT, Mr Monk would not confirm whether he had applied for an alternative subdivision proposal for the site under fast-track SHA rules.

Last October, the council and the Government signed the Queenstown Lakes Housing Accord to allow 1300 more new houses in the district in the next three years.

The council has already recommended one proposal, Bridesdale Farm, to the Government as an SHA.

Arrowtown South opponent Dame Elizabeth Hanan said she had heard of another proposal for a 60-house subdivision along Centennial Rd in the rural zone.

Her family were concerned their efforts to oppose Arrowtown South and other development on the township's fringes could be wasted.

The township's roading, sewerage and water infrastructure and schools were already at capacity, she said.

In February, the Mountain Scene revealed council chief executive Adam Feeley has applied to subdivide a portion of his family's 6ha property on Arrowtown-Lake Hayes Rd under SHA rules.

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