Streaker 'tainted' the Cricket World Cup

A British man likely "tainted" the Cricket World Cup for many by streaking at its opening match, said a Queenstown judge.

Joseph Brook (22) was convicted at Queenstown District Court this morning of invading the pitch of a major sporting event and was remandedon bail for sentence.

Brook ran on to Hagley Oval, Christchurch, at the end of the CWC opener between New Zealand and Sri Lanka on Valentine's Day.

Judge Michael Turner said he regards the offence as exhibitionism and adeliberate act of self-promotion.

"This tainted, no doubt, for many people the experience of what was an historic sporting event in New Zealand," Judge Turner said.

Judge Turner convicted and remanded Brook until August 20. He directed that a pre-sentence report be prepared, addressing community detention.

Brook is in New Zealand on a working holiday visa.

