Queenstown Multiple Birth Group spokeswoman Tanya Moffat said the group met once a month to provide support and advice and to share stories with other parents who had a multiple birth.
"It's somewhere they can share their experiences and get some support ... it can be difficult. You just face so many more challenges."
Group member Charlotte Dowson-Trevathan said any parents in the Wakatipu and also those from around the district were welcome at the meetings.
The group was also open to parents expecting a multiple birth, she said.
"It's really tapping into the expecting mums as well so they can talk to someone before the babies come.
"I suppose it's quite daunting for any expecting mum of twins to come along to a twins group.
"It might seem a bit scary, but it isn't."
Anyone wanting to get in contact with the Queenstown Multiple Birth Group could join their Facebook page, or contact Arrowtown Plunket on (03) 442-7380.