Safety review talks private

The Queenstown Lakes District Council is expected to discuss the ministerial review of Safety in Adventure Tourism behind closed doors at its full meeting in Queenstown on Tuesday.

The terms of reference for the review, announced by Tourism Minister John Key in September, were announced by Labour Minister Kate Wilkinson last week.

Led by the Department of Labour, the review comes after the death of English tourist Emily Jordan (21) on a river-boarding trip near Queenstown in April last year.

The steering group and the project working group will include a representative selected from the council on behalf of Local Government New Zealand.

The agenda for next week's meeting recommends the selecting be discussed with public excluded.

The reason was public conduct "would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where withholding of information is necessary to protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons".

Council chief executive Duncan Field said councillors would pick a suitable representative during the discussion.

"We almost always discuss appointments like this with public excluded because we believe, if we are discussing three or four candidates, the people who don't get it are entitled to their privacy," he said.

He said the appointee would be announced after the meeting.

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