Hunter safety and poaching are likely to be the top two points for discussion at this weekend's National Deerstalkers' Association conference at Albert Town.
Tonight's guest speaker, Associate Conservation Minister Peter Dunne, will continue his call for improved hunter safety.
For their part, delegates will be reminding the minister of the need for stronger government action against poachers.
A review of both matters is about to start.
President Bill O'Leary told the Otago Daily Times yesterday his association initiated the review because it was ''really concerned'' about the incidence of illegal hunting.
''The question of hunter safety was one that sort of came up almost as a [by-product] of that, probably sparked off by the fact that there were a couple of shooting incidents earlier in the year.
Mr O'Leary said hunter safety was something the association was ''constantly pushing''.
Mr Dunne announced the review last month saying it would deal with unsafe and illegal gun use in the outdoors.
His adviser, Fraser Seifert, told the ODT this week the review would be carried out by government officials who would make recommendations to the New Zealand Game Animal Council.
The council would in turn come up with ''a series of recommendations in terms of how to start working on some of these issues''.
Mr Seifert said the review would not lead to an amendment to the Arms Act or arms regulations.
''It's a broader review and it's about ... hunters shooting other hunters or trampers and that sort of thing.''
It would have a big focus on illegal hunting which had become ''quite an issue'' in certain areas, he said.