Wensley Developments The Marina Ltd, has applied for resource consent to establish, operate and maintain a visitor accommodation activity, by letting 28 existing three-bedroom units.
The resource consent application for land-use consent, which has been publicly notified, said the units could be let in several configurations.
The configurations were letting of up to 28 three-bedroom units; up to 28 two-bedroom units; up to 28 one-bedroom guest rooms; and the letting of a combination of one-, two- and three-bedroom guest rooms and units.
The site is known as the Marina Baches on Frankton Rd.
The activity would not require any physical alteration to the building, which has been constructed and would be undertaken within each of the existing units and in reliance on the existing number of car-parking spaces.
In January 2006, Wensley received resource consent from the Queenstown Lakes District Council to construct and subdivide a "comprehensive residential development", including 27 units, car parking, access and landscaping, involving up to 7222cu m of earthworks.
At that time, the company also sought to use the residential units for visitor accommodation.
In February 2008, Wensley lodged a further resource consent application to create one additional residential unit, which was created from a division of a unit set aside for a reception area.
That application also sought to allow visitor accommodation activities within the units and the associated unit-title subdivision.
On April 2 last year, the council issued an abatement notice against Wensley and its directors requiring "inter alia" they "cease using and prohibiting the use for visitor accommodation" as consented in 2006.
The application said the council was "of the view that this configuration of 'double key' letting from the approved visitor accommodation development" was outside what was granted by the original consents.
The purpose of the most recent application was to authorise the individual letting of single rooms, separate from each unit, within each of the 28 units for visitor accommodation.
Submissions on the proposal close on April 16.