Planning hearing to resume

The Queenstown Lakes District Council's hearing on the potential expansion of the town centre zone reconvenes this week, before commissioners Sir John Hansen and Jane Taylor.

Under plan change 50, 15ha could be rezoned, controversial new height limits for buildings could be approved and a convention centre could be granted for the resort.

It is understood that in his supplementary evidence, Clinton Bird, director of Clinton Bird Urban Design Ltd will reject calls from David Gibbs speaking on behalf of Brecon Street Partnership Ltd to increase the proposed height levels for Brecon St from 12m to 24m.

''I would like to note that I am not opposed to high buildings, provided they are appropriately located in relation to their surroundings and provided any consequential adverse environmental effects are not more than minor,'' Mr Bird said in his evidence.

''It is my opinion that neither of those provisos would apply.''

Late submitters will also be heard, including two neighbours who own property on Man St. The couples are not based in Queenstown and employ property managers to look after their holiday homes.

In a letter to the hearing, Carl and Lorraine Holt were critical of the process.

''We received no formal notification of plan change 50 and did not learn of it until our neighbours became aware of the effect it would have on their and our property.

''Once we learned of the plan change, we took immediate steps to obtain professional advice and now want to be involved in the process.''

Evidence was heard for and against the proposed changes over six days in December.

The hearing will reconvene at 9am on Friday at the Crowne Plaza.

By Louise Scott. 


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