More changes are on the way for road markings on State Highway 6 near Queenstown, from tomorrow.
New Zealand Transport Agency senior safety engineer Roy Johnston, of Dunedin, said contractors would, weather permitting, apply a yellow ''no passing'' centreline from Stalker Rd to the Shotover Bridge at Ladies Mile tomorrow morning.
Existing markings would be blacked out before being permanently sandblasted away on Sunday.
Traffic management would be in place while the work was done, and a temporary speed limit would be in effect.
Mr Johnston said the new centreline would be separated by a metre of unmarked road - removing the ''Shotover Cutting passing lane''.
However, a wide shoulder would remain so slower drivers could pull over and allow others to pass.
The change would improve vehicle separation and increase safety between oncoming lanes of traffic.
It would also tie in to the new Shotover Country roundabout, which is under construction and expected to be in use by Christmas.
Mr Johnston said a similar wide, yellow centreline would be installed slightly further west, on the Glenda Dr side of the Shotover Bridge, as part of improvements to that section of the highway.