Paraglider crashes on to power pole

A Queenstown paraglider pilot was fortunate to walk away unharmed after crash-landing on to a power pole in lower Man St about midday on Saturday.

The woman, on a private, non-commercial flight from Bobs Peak above Queenstown, had intended landing at the recreation reserve near Man St, but gusty wind conditions blew her off course, Constable Phil Hamlin said.

She was "extremely lucky" after landing on the pole, which carried electrical wires to a residence, he said.

While the paraglider was draped over the pole and wires, the pilot was on the ground and had waited for emergency services to arrive and assist her from the paraglider harness, Const Hamlin said.

"When I heard 'paraglider and power lines' I was expecting the worst on my way here," Const Hamlin said.

The woman, in her late 20s, was understood to be experienced and to have made many flights from Bobs Peak, having qualified last year.

While unharmed, she was badly shaken by the incident and declined to comment.

Delta Utilities staff turned off the power and the paraglider was retrieved, apparently undamaged, by the Fire Service in a few minutes.

In June, a paraglider pilot in Queenstown was similarly fortunate not to be hurt when he got stuck after landing 20m up a tree near Hamilton Rd and had to be assisted to the ground by emergency services.

A North Island paraglider pilot was less fortunate in Wanaka in July after crashing into the side of Treble Cone and was taken to hospital with pelvic and leg injuries.

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