Two males are to appear in court after being apprehended on Wednesday night while allegedly stealing a motorcycle near Hillend.
Sergeant Martin Bull said a motorbike was taken from a garage on Sunflower Rd.
An "eagle-eyed neighbour'' contacted police after they saw a suspicious vehicle travelling the road after 8pm.
Sgt Bull said two males, a 16-year-old from Kaitangata and a 23-year-old from Hillend, were arrested after they were stopped on the road by police.
Police searched the properties of the alleged offenders yesterday.
Sgt Bull said items stolen from properties on Centre Rd in Inch Clutha and Summer Hill Rd near Kaitangata were recovered.
The items allegedly included wet weather gear, a tool box and chainsaw.
Sgt Bull said the 23-year-old will appear in Dunedin District Court today charged with three burglaries.
The 16-year-old will appear in the Dunedin Youth Court on Monday on three burglary charges and one of theft.