Marathon effort finding anywhere to stay

The CBD is bustling, the airport is humming, the ''no vacancy'' signs are up and good luck finding a car park - it must be Queenstown International Marathon weekend.

But it seems those who planned well in advance had no trouble getting flights or finding somewhere to stay for today's event.

Pukekohe's Caro Bayne said booking flights and accommodation for herself and five friends had been easy.

After taking part in last year's inaugural marathon, she made all the arrangements last December.

''We knew what it was like and we didn't want to miss out.''

But Christchurch woman Amanda Collins, who is running in the 10km race, said she was staying in Wanaka after a futile search for a room in Queenstown three months ago.

The few rooms that had been available were going for ''ridiculous prices''.

Ms Collins said parking in the resort was ''almost non-existent'' after she drove over from Wanaka yesterday to register for the race.

The marathon has expanded from 6000 entrants last year to almost 9000.

Queenstown Airport communications manager Jen Andrews said event sponsor Air New Zealand had put on 18 extra flights between Thursday and tomorrow to cope with demand.

She urged runners and residents to allow extra time while driving to or from the airport this weekend.

Motel Association Queenstown president Alistair Luke said the resort's motels were booked out for the weekend several weeks ago.

With summer around the corner, he urged anyone planning to visit the resort over the next few months to book well ahead.

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